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"Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica.” – Abraham Lincoln



Sativa Marikiana is used for it's uplifting high, allowing you to work and even be more social. Helps with pain, nausea, lack of appetite, head aches and more. Can Help with major health and medical problems . The psychoactive effects of cannabis, known as a "high", are subjective and vary among persons and the method of use.

Sativa Dom (Dominant)

Is preferred for it's Sativa qualities. While still offering hints of it's Indica counterpart. It can create the best of both worlds.

We have a Large Selection of Sativa Cannabis Seeds.

When smoked, the short-term effects of cannabis manifest within seconds and are fully apparent within a few minutes, typically lasting for 1–3 hours, varying by the person and the strain of cannabis. After oral ingestion of cannabis, the onset of effect is delayed relative to smoking, taking 30 minutes to 2 hours, but the duration is prolonged due to continued slow absorption. The duration of noticeable effects has been observed to diminish after prolonged, repeated use and the development of increased tolerance to cannabinoids.

sativa drawing

Cannabis strains with relatively high CBD:THC ratios are less likely to induce anxiety than vice versa, compared to THC's effect. CBD is also a agonist, which may also contribute to an anxiolytic-content effect. The effects of sativa are well known for its cerebral high, while indica is well known for its sedative effects which some prefer for night time use. Both types are used as  medical cannabisIndica plants are normally shorter and stockier than sativasIndicas have broader, deeply serrated leaves and a compact and dense flower cluster. Some users report more of a "stoned" feeling and less of a "high" from C. indica when compared to C. sativa. (The sativa are more "narrow-leaflet" than the "wide-leaflet" Cannabis indica , respectively. The Cannabis indica high is often referred to as a "body buzz" and has beneficial properties such as pain relief in addition to being an effective treatment for insomnia and an anxiolytic, as opposed to sativa's more common reports of a cerebral, creative and energetic high, and even, albeit rarely, comprising hallucinations. Differences in the terpenoid content of the essential oil may account for some of these differences in effect.


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Are Marijuana Seeds Legal to Own or sell?

DEA Says YES according to emails from the DEA, marijuana seeds have no THC content so the schedule 1 drug laws would not apply to marijuana seeds.

Where can I buy Marijuana seeds?

HoliMoli Seed bank provides great value, fresh high-quality marijuana seeds. We have the best high THC strains, Landrace strains, Feminized strains, fast strains, CBD or Autoflowering strains, Whether you call them weed seeds, pot seeds or beans. We have the seeds you're looking for And We Are Located in the USA. California & Oregon. Get Them TODAY

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